In memoriam: Boris Spassky (1937-2025)

Boris Spassky Hoogovenstoernooi 1967

On 27 February 2025, Boris Vasilievich Spassky passed away at the age of 88. The tenth World Chess Champion played at our tournament once, in 1967. Spassky won convincingly, with the fine score of 11 out of 15 - at that time there were still 16 players competing.

Spassky was a complete all-rounder and became world champion in 1969 by defeating Tigran Petrosian. Yet he will not be remembered primarily for this great achievement. Even during his lifetime, his name remained inseparable from the “duel of the century,” the World Cup match against Bobby Fischer in Reykjavik in 1972, where Spassky lost his world title to the brilliant American.

After his dethroning as world champion, Spassky remained active in the chess world, while Fischer disappeared. Personally, I had the pleasure of meeting Spassky several times. The first time was as a participant in the second VAM Tournament in Hoogeveen (1998), where I was then tournament director. I looked up to him, but that proved unnecessary - in dealing with him he was an extremely amiable personality.

Once at the hotel I saw an ambulance. This one was for Spassky. As a young, inexperienced tournament director, I suddenly had to accompany the great Boris Spassky to the hospital; his match against Tal Shaked was postponed. He had fainted and suffered a major head injury in the process. At the hospital he quickly recovered. Several times he apologized to me - something I found extraordinary. He told me that he suffered from low blood pressure and that this had happened to him many times before. In the meantime, he talked endlessly, very personally, and the name “Bobby” came up many times.

Later that day he still played his game against Shaked, with a large band-aid on his forehead. The game ended in a draw. That evening, in the dining room, he had the highest word again - Boris loved to talk.

About ten years later I met him again, this time as guest of honor at the tournament in Bilbao. Over a long lunch I sat next to him, a real pleasure. His stories never stopped, and the wine fed his good humor. It was an unforgettable afternoon for me. He was intelligent, kind and witty.

Boris Spassky will be missed.

Jeroen van den Berg
Tournament Director Tata Steel Chess Tournament